Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Election Reflections

TND member Peter Mitchell has put together a document that summarises the lessons learned and the experience of TND during this election process.

The document is well worth a read and can be found here.

Polls close

As polls close for the inaugural Bowls Victoria election today we await the results of the count to be conducted tomorrow (Thursday 29th April 2010).

This election has taught TND a few lessons but has also shown us just how many bowlers and clubs in Victoria are seeking change.

To all those bowlers that took the time to read our information and to post it on your club noticeboard, we thank you.

To the many club officials that took the time to discuss with us the current state of the sport and some of the issues facing us, we value your input.

To all of the bowlers that voted for TND (in part or in full) and those that encouraged their club administrations to get behind us, we hope we are given the chance to represent you.

Win, lose or draw it's been a fantastic experience and one that will stand us in good stead regardless of what the future may hold.

Oh, and this won't be the last you'll hear of us.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bowls Victoria election - Team New Direction endorsements


As the ballot period draws to a close Team New Direction would like to take one last opportunity to remind clubs of the importance of this vote. Never before in the history of Bowls in Victoria has the opportunity to revitalise the sport and its administration been handed to the clubs like this.

We understand that many clubs will wish to vote for one or other candidate and if you find you have votes left over you can still vote for one or more Team New Direction candidates to see progressive change to Bowls in Victoria.

Eight positions on the initial board of Bowls Victoria are in the offing and whatever the result, the future of the sport rests on the shoulders of the first 8 to be voted to that board.

Team New Direction has outlined many of the challenges to our sport and has also provided some information regarding suggested solutions and alternatives for those challenges.

For the most part the remaining candidates have been quiet on all fronts and this is of great concern to us.

Before we sign off and wait for the results on 30th April we’d like to leave you with a few words of encouragement here from members of the bowling fraternity and the general sporting community in support of the Team New Direction candidates.

Thank you for your time and best of luck for the coming season both on and off the greens.


Team New Direction
(John Adams, Peter Mitchell, Michael Walker, Peter Williams)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Challenges facing Bowls in Victoria

Now that the interim board have forwarded ballot papers and candidate information to each club, Team New Direction has some further information on the challenges facing bowls in Victoria and how the Team suggests these challenges be met. As always, your feedback or alternative suggestions are appreciated. You can find this information here

At this time we have also prepared a "How to Vote" leaflet to provide information on how you can vote for Team New Direction and the female candidates we think would be best placed to serve on the first board of Bowls Victoria.

Thanks for your time and if you have any questions or concerns please don't
hesitate to contact us.


Team New Direction
(John Adams, Peter Mitchell, Michael Walker, Peter Williams)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Club communications

The first communication to bowling clubs from Team New Direction was made last week and we have had some great feedback from many interested parties. As a result of this feedback we will shortly add a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to this blog to provide answers to many of the questions posed to this group. We will also continue to provide individual responses to those that have taken the time to respond to us.

Team New Direction will be providing more information on our vision and the way we would suggest various processes and programs be undertaken under the Bowls Victoria banner. This includes communications processes, pennant competitions, promotion of the game and much more.

In the coming 7-10 days each club should receive their collection of candidate information, ballot forms and voting instructions. Ballot forms are not due back until 28th April.

If you or anybody from your club/association/group has any questions for our group please feel free to contact us via email or phone. You can even leave a comment on this post.